Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Yay I just killed (not Ed) Sadler

I just completed Resident Evil 4 and feel totally smug. I had gotten totally bastard stuck on the game ages and ages ago, today though I decided I wasn't going to be beaten by mere AI and woot I managed to do it, then there was no stopping me as I ploughed through the rest of the game. I won't bore you with a review of the game here but 10/10, and probably the best action game of all time, they totally re-defined the series. Anyone with a cube should own this game, and now too anyone with a ps2 should own it. I'm already looking forward to the 'already in development' next gen Resi-5, it will own you.

Sunday, December 18, 2005


"Chris Martin is in full Michael Stipe mode, smurfing around the stage, on his knees, in the air but without an ounce of pomposity. He truly looks like a man wholly enjoying what he does. The key to any successful stadium show is a strong ending. They come out and play ‘Square One’, ‘Politik’, ‘Yellow’ and ‘Speed Of Sound’ without pausing for breath. It is absolutely immense; four top class anthems tossed away at the start of the set without even a consideration for what to play later."

-Quite a good review of the gig I attended last thursday, except that they say at the end that Coldplay didn't play Trouble, well they did you big tools WHERE WERE YOU?!!? Also, they played a stripped down, slowed down acoustic version of Hung Up by Madonna and yes it was as good as that sounds. No other music has the ability to make the hair on the back of my neck stand up, and when they filled Earls Court with dozens of gigantic yellow helium (and glitter) filled balloons [When they sang Yellow, obviously] I was in total awe.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Dust? Dust? Dust? Anyone? Dust?

Okay so I took like countless pictures from Little Britain: Live last night and they all pretty much look like I was swinging around my camera the way Sebastian swings around his fringe, I think the lighting coupled with the fact my camera is crap was the cause. Anyway here's three poor pictures, prepare to be gutted.

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Pretty girls scare me

Today I mostly hate;

  • Christmas
  • Santa Claus (see above)
  • Brick Walls that you can't see in your rear interior mirror
  • Sea Monkeys