Saturday, July 29, 2006

Stop The Clocks

November 20th 2006 will see the first 'best of' from Oasis released, apparently it will be an 18 track double album complete with b-sides such as Acquiesce and Half The World Away. Then they are going to rest for a bit, work on new material, scrap it because they think it's rubbish then work on some new material and probably release it next year :S
Currently Listening To: The Only Ones-Another Girl, Another Planet


So the film 11:14 couldnt look any more of a rip-off of Crash, really they could have called it Crashed. But actually, hold the phone. This film was actually written and filmed before Crash so there you go, it looks pretty good too.

Monday, July 24, 2006


So I half like half hate my new phone the MotorolaV3i

  • + Looks as sexy as hell
  • + With iTunes, sounds as sexy as hell
  • - The menus are dated
  • - Texting isn't as intuitive as it should be
  • +/- The 1.whatever mega pixel camera could be better at pictures/video
  • + It's small/sleek/sheek/chic
  • - You sometimes feel like it has fallen out of your pocket it's so thin

So as you can see I can't decide, but hey i'm stuck with it now for 9 months or whatever, anyway at least it's as sexy as hell, so it goes with my girlfriend. Aces.


Am so tired right now, I just haven't got the time for blogging, I may get 'back to it' one day but until then you may as well just read Ruomlig instead or something :P

Wednesday, July 12, 2006


Cramp in your toes is not as hilarious as you might imagine. A top tip if you have cramp though, put your toe/leg/arm/whatever onto something cold like a radiator. Also if you get a nose bleed try sniffing a lemon, seriously!
Kudos to Bon

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Hey has beens, i'm the American dream.

Monday, July 03, 2006

I'm so hot it hurts, well okay it doesn't hurt but I think if it was any hotter then my skin would start to blister and pop and I would look like popcorn in a microwave
Smile, today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday
Raspberries are like the best fruit ever inventarised.
If you hadn't guessed i'm in one of those hyper-crazy-random-spongebobsquarepants moods

Bon says:

they reckon its gonna get hotter

Fuck. Who they is, is unknown, presumably Bon's spirit guide who I named Panchetto Globebottom, well if they are right we are like totally going to melt or something. BURN.


It's been a month, happy-happy.

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Bye Sven, See You In Club Football Hell

It happened again, we went out in a penalty shoot out. Frank Lampard had maybe the worst possible world cup ever. My hate for C. Ronaldo grows ever still, I do hope Rooney decks him when they return for training at Manchester United. Lets pray Steve Mclaren can pick up the pieces and we can qualify for Euro 2008, that will at least be a start, then the rollercoaster can start again.

Saturday, July 01, 2006