Sunday, April 15, 2007

7 Days Hence

So apparently my dad works with someone who is in some kind of crazy rock band and who are playing at the Waterfront soon, so everybody/anybody check them out on their myspace site and buy their cd if you like there stuff, I especicially liked The Orchid and we all know how glorious my taste in music is.

Guitar Hero II

I've recently been rocking out to Guitar Hero II on Xbox 360, it's furious fast paced addictive fun. It's also easy to pick up and play but insanely hard to master. Even better though is playing two player with Zoe (she had to use a mere 360 wireless controller sorry no second guitar controller hun-though she actually preferred this!) we even unlocked the "lennon-McCartney" achievement for an 8* multiplier! Anyway be assured it's legendary stuff, for a real review however check this out.