Saturday, September 27, 2008

Geometry Wars 2

Hopefully these screens convey some of the genius and generally fucked up crazy addictiveness of this game, costing less than a tenner on Xbox Live i've already put in several hours trying to climb the leaderboards on live. My best entry being around 41,000th in the world ever, ever, ever. I know, I know calm down you can have my autograph next time you see me in the street, anyway the point-Get Live, Get GW2RE, Get blasting! Woo!

Edit: Cheers Ign


Two posts this year (three if you include this one which I don't) Blogging just ain't the done thing anymore it seems. Everyone is either uploading pictures or organising events on Facebook or stalking people on said website. Oh and apparently people like photographing themselves with things like knives and guns on Bebo, only the dumb fucks forgot that even the internet is policed by insane cyber genetically enhanced super robot cops that make Robocop look like ASIMO. Haha kiss my ass'imo

Rock Paper Hero

Anyone know when Rock Band 2 is released for the 360? Or even if the pricing will be fairer this time round after EA totally screwed over Europeans last time by adding on some extra ££ compared to what the Americanz paid. I really want to buy a package with all instruments and the game, something people may do come November when Guitar Hero: World Tour (featuring the leg-end that is Sting no less). So yeah what to buy, GH or RB? Opinions via comments please!

Arsenal 1 Hull City 2

The first home defeat for Arsenal since losing 1-0 to West Ham on July 4, 2007.

That hurts. So does my head ironically because I was up for work at 6am today. Surely now we have to come to the conclusion that Arsene doesn't know and must invest in the team in January. Buy an experienced holding midfielder or this season could be over before it's even begun. We didn't win the league last year, and we only lost 3 games in the whole season. Lets put that in perspective-we have only played 6 games so far and lost two away games. Sucks to be us! Ah well Spurs are still bottom of the table bwaahahaha!