Friday, April 09, 2004

Friday, April 09, 2004 At 2:22 AM John typed this:

If Justin's new highly anticipated website lives up to the colossal hype he's giving it, then I'll simply retalliate by remaking this site to the point where it's unrivalled in beauty, content, noise, and performance.
But don't let that put you off, Justin, I'm really really excited about this new website you're promising. I'm expecting a lot from you after the way you've been building it up the last few days, and I'm sure that you'll deliver. No pressure or anything...

I was expecting it to say:

If Justin's new highly anticipated girl lives up to the colossal hype he's giving her, then I'll simply retalliate by remaking this site to the point where it's unrivalled in beauty, content, noise, and performance.
But don't let that put you off, Justin, I'm really really excited about this new lady friend you're promising. I'm expecting a lot from you after the way you've been building her up the last few days, and I'm sure that you'll deliver. No pressure or anything...

No pressure dude.


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