Wednesday, April 14, 2004

I want to hold your hand
I want to kiss you and the rest
Put a pause on life so this never ends

I'm gonna take you to the park
Walk around for a little while
Catch a movie we want to see
End the night with just you and me

I want to hold your hand
I want to kiss you and the rest
Put a pause on life so this will never end

I guess it kind of figures out
The way that life always messes us around
You can be up then and now
But before you know it your right back down

I'm going to hold your hand
I'm gonna kiss you and all the rest
Put a pause on life so this will never have to end

Stupid crazy universe
And all the things that make things worse
Stupid, stupid crazy us living life like it's serious

I'm holding your hand like I'd planned
I've kissed you like we talked about
And put a pause on life so you know this will never ever have to end.

Put A Pause On Life. By Me.


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