Wednesday, April 21, 2004

Spoiler (Look Away Now, It's actually not a spoiler just a crazy-long post): Life Is A Sham! Well, waking up this morning thats what it felt like. Everything and everyone is just a little too predictable now. I am starting to know what Truman Burbank (Jim Carey) felt like in The Truman Show.
Maybe this is the same, but fewer cameras and a larger enclosed place. Life suddenly just seems like one hilariously long movie. When I got to work it seemed even more apparent, people seemingly knowing more than they should about me, poor acting (people forgetting lines, or the reason they came to the petrol station) and ridiculous plot twists all over the place! Maybe we are all in it, all stares in the show. Or maybe I am the lead character, and Alex (presumably a winner of best supporting actor) is just another pawn in this twisted game. Perhaps nothing is actually real. Or perhaps God, if there is indeed a God is controlling everything right now. God, or the creator or perhaps Steven Spielberg are sitting up there somewhere in a chair writing the script for tomorrows show, getting ready to flawlessly direct another day in the life of everyone. Surely a task so great something would eventually go wrong. It raises certain questions as to perhaps why certain things happening; me being ill (a lot) earlier in my life and going in to hospital was perhaps just some sick act of spicing things up, and me getting robbed at the Petrol Station was a season finale or something. Perhaps even Suzi is just another set piece in a script that is perfectly written to fool us all. Maybe my parents forcing me into applying for the job at Adrian Flux was all too coincidental and that I will get an interview and will get a job and some new chapter in this crazy story will begin or ill continue rotting away at Safeway a little longer. Of course nothing could ever be proved and me writing this is of course a complete waste of time. But maybe it’s made you think, maybe not. Still, many questions unanswered! The one thing I do believe though is that everything that is meant to happen will whether you try or not, eventually life will take control and put us all on a path… whether it's one we want to walk or not. I don’t think there is much we can change about anything, sure I could run out on the main road now and throw myself in front of a lorry but if I did that then that was what was meant to happen to me, course I am not that stupid/crazy and someone probably knows this. And oh fuck I have got cramp in my leg, bastards! Mocking me from up above! Stay tuned to King Shough for more scripted humour. Nothing is real anymore.


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