Monday, May 31, 2004

Come Back Home

Come back home for another year
And find yourself in the thick of it
Come back home for another year
I always thought that you could handle this

And you know you’re hard enough
And you find you’re strong enough
And you feel you’re strong enough

Come back home for another year
And ask yourself if you could handle this
Say my name before you disappear
I always thought that you could handle this

And you know you’re hard enough
And you find you’re strong enough
And you feel you’re strong enough

In your life, you can talk about it
Oh in your life, you can live without
Can live without

And you know you’re hard enough
And you find you’re strong enough
Oh yeah you’ll find you’re hard enough
Oh yeah you’ll find you’re strong enough

Come back home
Yeah, come back home. Pete Yorn.

I Want...

I want a new phone. Specifically the awesome Sharp GX-30 (Pictured Below) with it's 1 mega pixel digital camera and video capture/playback. But even on contract it is too much. Too much for someone who has just spent £ 333.00+ on clothes, and who wants to go on holiday and also somebody who has just renewed their insurance and road tax.

Saturday, May 29, 2004


Talking about Friends ending, Fraiser is/has too and every other legendary comedy that seems to have ended already. It would seem pointless to not look toward the future of comedy on TV. Joey, I'm sure will be a success (not on the same scale as Friends though)I do believe Scrubs will be the new king of comedy (and not just because I like it), it still has it's work cut out to persuade more people to watch it but I can see it still going strong in five years time. We shall see.


That's it. It's over. 10 years I have spent watching it, from the very first episode to the very last. Great television but right to end when it did. I'm sure everyone will look forward to the inevitable Thanksgiving one off episode(s). Okay?

Friday, May 28, 2004

To Stall, And To Stall Again

So, my car has gone the way of the Gilmour! Gilmour's old car that is. Yesterday it stalled 8 times and almost caused me to have at least two accidents. I'm pretty fucking pissed off with it, and still kind of scared to drive but I have to drive to the place to get it fixed! I do believe the timing needs sorting. But what do I know?

Wednesday, May 26, 2004

Twisted Emails

Sometimes I think all the emails in my junk folder arent all rubbish so every now and again I will open a few. Today I opened one from someone called Daisy which had no subject and was only 1Kb. It seemed un-suspicious enough! But wasn't, just another penis enlargement thing with just a link. Freaks, why don't they get bigger cocks for themselves and leave the rest of us alone.

Tuesday, May 25, 2004

Blogging **** ****

This post was a post that Blogger decided to publish twice. It remains here (as all future ones will) as a reminder that Blogger is just as imperfect as you and I. Also, is it hilarious the spell checker doesn't recognize the word Blogger? Yes it is

Films To Look Forward To In 2004

Okay, well Troy although that's out already! Because it looks like the greatest "swords and sandels" epic of all time. Spider-Man2 just because you know how good it is going to be, and because of Dunst. Garden State, mainly because it stares and is directed by Scrubs legend Zach Braff and also because it stares the epic Natalie Portman. Ill let you know the rest when I remember all of them. is King Kong out this year? If so, chuck it in the mixer too!

An Average Life

So I have purchased Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life
And it indeed is pretty wonderful, you start off as a young lad and you have just inherited you dads farm. Yes is not a typical run of the mill game. There's not a gun in sight, maybe a sythe or something similar (but that's just used to harvest crops) the aim of the game is to run a successful farm by keeping livestock, harvesting crops and also have a successful life in general as you can get married and have children. I have only completed a couple of days so far, nothing like the forty something game years you play until your own very death when the game presumably ends. If the explanation of the game is rushed sorry, but I have to hurry back to Shough Farm and milk Daisy the cow, and look after all my crops, and also see if some love interest of mine wants to go for a drink in the Inner Inn. See you in game hell!

Feather What Now?

Feather Boy. I smell a crappy rip-off!

Go Home

If we go
when we go
if we go
when we go
if we go
when we go
if we go
We will go
I want to go
Cos we have to
But why
Cos we do
But why
There's no reason
So then why
We just have to
Just go
lets go
We have to go now

Sinking to the bottom of the sea
Rising to the light of the sky
Driving around for an hour
Staying at home for a day
We're alone
So alone
We must go
An ageing prom queen with a smile
A beautiful creature just died
Something wonderful inside
The girl there along for the ride
Now lets go
We must go

Okay, lets go
Go home.

Justin Shough.2004
This is Insania

Insert Post Here

Insert a post about me bitching about people here ;)


What the fuck is a shockdog? Because that is what Shough means according to one sauce source

Sunday, May 23, 2004


Scrubs was as hilarious as ever tonight, even managing to have a Friends joke thrown in for good measure (about the whole will they, won't they thing with JD and Elliot

Janitor: Yeah, the whole will they won't they thing is ridiculous, you will never be Ross and Rachael

JD: Who?

Janitor: Doctor Ross, and Nurse Rachael over there,

JD: Ah.

I'm kind of poor at the "plastic ball" game, but for some reason they thought I was good. It's a bribe i'm sure.

Trulli Wins In Monaco

Renault's Jarno Trulli has won the Monaco Grand Prix as Michael Schumacher's perfect start to the F1 season ended with a controversial crash. All I can say is, ha ha schumie you big loose! The legendary Jenson Button came an insanely close second.

Saturday, May 22, 2004

All Over The Place

This site is all over the place at the moment. Ill sort it out asap.

EDIT: It's okay now, stuff is more or less where it should be. It could look better though. My quest for betterness is never-ending.

Amazon Love me

Thank you for your order.We will send you an e-mail confirmation shortly.

Note: Your some sort of an epic legend that always shops with us. Please don't leave us for any inferior internet sites, we could offer you porn too if you want it that bad! Anyway, thanks again love you. bye!

Well, I am epic/a legend. Amazon Rules!

15 Posts High

15 Storeys High. Anyone managed to watch any of the first series? Or the second (I think) that's now on BBC2 (And 3 probably). I think it's one of the funniest and darkest things I have ever watched (except from maybe the always excellent Six Feet Under) anyway, watch it!

Crazy Picture Of My Monitor

Semi-Hilarious Picture of my dad using picasa. Which is actually kind of crap.

Say Hello

Say hello to Photoblogging! At the time of this post I am currently downloading the software so I can unleash even more crazy pictures on the world. I just have to take them first! Should be good, Buzznet is kind of hassle sometimes.

Link Returns

Friday, May 21, 2004


Robo-Badgers They're gonna save the world
Robo-Badgers They're not like me and you
Robo-Badgers They're better than pikachu
Robo-Badgers Sent from a crazy future world
Robo-Badgers Gonna save the human race...

Robo-Dave: Quick, robo-beavers to the rescue! The president has been taken hostage! Only us robo-badgers can save him now!

Where Will You Be?

The Day After Tomorrow.

No, I don't know either!
Show me the money!
Show me the money!


Yes, a kinder egg. Bahahahahaha!

Thursday, May 20, 2004

Please Don't Hunt Me Down

So, should I be worried that on my site (and on my profile) it states the town in which I live, of course this is my own fault as it was none other than me who inputted the said information. Now, I know it's not likely some crazy son of a gun will be reading my site (after getting past the password) but what if! Well, they would probably hunt me down and kill me, should I change it, Or risk death? The choice is mine! Obviously.

Purple Flour Filled Crazy Condoms

Tony Blair: Oh my God! Flour filled condoms! Noooo!

Could have been anthrax though, shame.
4 Beaver(s) online


When Fires Attack! Part of the "when" trilogy which also includes

When Beavers Attack!

"Oh My God, It's A Beaver Gone Awol!"


When Aliens Attack!

"What Are You? Some Sort Of An Alien Or Something?"

Coming soon, When Blogger Attacks!

"Oh My God, It Won't Publish! Nooooooooooooooooo"

All The Good Ones

Can you hear, what I'm saying
All the good ones are taken
I was the last one in the line
Shouldn't have gone on vacation
I should have stayed there and waited

See how
you see now, that all the good ones are taken
Do you see how and believe me now all the good ones are taken

And it's a really good feeling
A positive vibration
When your waiting
At the railway station
For the one your dating

See how
you see now, that all the good ones are taken
Do you see how and believe me now all the good ones are taken
All of them except you.

By Justin Shough.

Wednesday, May 19, 2004

June 13th

Everyone should book off/skive off/pray they are not working on June 13th. This is the day we place France in Euro2004. It's going to rock, unless we loose...then it won't rock so much.

Blogger Problem

Since Blogger decided to change into some sort of a mutated freak of epic blogging proportions I have noticed that some of my posts are being posted twice for some fucked-up crazy-ass mother-fucking reason. Also I have noticed this happen twice on John's site. This is, unacceptable!

Where To Go In The USA?

Can you help me and John to decide where to go and what to do in the USA when/if we go this July? At the moment possible locations are; Miami*, California, New York, Florida, LA. Your help could save the fait of Earth! Act now, think later!

*Because Miami is in Florida. Thanks to Alex Usamour

Tuesday, May 18, 2004

Changing Colors

So, you hate how the links change color? I bet you do, nothing is ever good enough is it? Is it?


I'm sure Alex will no longer be turning in his grave now as this site has a different yet similar template to before, it's still black...It still has no ads but now there is most definitely a title!

Msn Confusery

How is it possible that someone on Msn can be on both my Friends list and my enemies Random People List Surely this is some kind of black magic? Witch!


King Shough-Now With Titles To Some Posts!

-Which both looks legendary/poor.

Out With The Old...

Finally I regret to say that ye olde Shough has finally hung up it's metaphorical boots. We saw some great/poor times of random nonsense about my life and about other peeps too. I'm sure it's no great loss despite the massive volume of postage that is now gone forever. May King Shough reign supreme and live forever. Also, hopefully certain people will eventually loose interest in our sites and we can all get on with our lives. Etc.
Take the feeling of clean, to the extreme!

Sunday, May 16, 2004

Think, type. Think, type. And everything else in between.
Insurance. Tax. Holiday. Food. Clothes. Petrol. Drink. Cinema. Internet.

Can I really expect to have money left? Nay.

Saturday, May 15, 2004

Arsenal.26 wins.12 draws 0 Defeats. Superb.
Has anyone seen WOMD (Weapons Of Mass Distraction) It's a late night show on ITV. it's kind of "out there" "Comedy" "Stuff" and one of the presenters is Mr Craig Charles who is now sporting some sort of epic hair that just has to be seen for itself. Anyway, the point is/was that it's pretty funny topical satireish stuff. Just a shame it's on so late.
I laugh in the face of laughter. Ha ha.
Capri Sonne-The Poor Alternative to Capri Sun

*Tastes exactly the same though. Thus not making it a poor alternative

Friday, May 14, 2004

So me and John are going to the USA! Details may follow.

Monday, May 10, 2004

Could luck "Alex"
I Am Not An Animal started tonight on BBC2-Home of many epic comedy shows. Starring Steve Coogan (There are others but he is my hero) it probably won't appeal to that many people but I thought it was pretty funny/twisted/insane and my dad said and I quote Could be legendary Its about a group of animals that have been tested and engineered in ways that have allowed them to talk and become more human, if you hadn't already guessed yes it is a cartoon. What you missed: Some activists/insane'o military guys raided the labatory in which they we're being kept and are now free to do as they will in "London". Catch it next monday on BBC2 at 10pm.
Keane make music good again. "They are the Travis, Coldplay or Starsailor of this year" I don't remember who said that first, wasn't me though. But yeah! The album Hopes and Fears is really good. Stand out tracks include;

Bend And Break

We Might As Well Be Strangers
And This is The Last Time
Shitting new blogger, it looks like it's soiled itself and probably has.

Saturday, May 08, 2004

I hate it when things look better on a white background. Damn this site to hell!
Nobody cares.
Captain: Mr. Spock set coordinates for Graveyard 7!

The Captain Of The Deep Space Beaver begins his first mission soon.
Shake yo ass banana guy
Name as many dvds as you can on that picture on the left there, and Ed will give you a prize...Seen as he's so very generous these days.
Why does that last post look totally wrong? The powers that be are mocking me.
Tonight I watched Dreamcatcher. It was lent to my mum from some geezer bird from work called Jo apparently
Don't get me wrong I don't hate seeing aliens come out of peoples ass holes and Morgan Freeman acting
badly but it just doesn't make a good film. Maybe Steven King is to blame, then again...He just writes
the books. A guy in it called Beaver was almost enough to compensate for the wafer thin plot.
The Shining 2 anyone?

Thursday, May 06, 2004

I just typed in expecting to find Alex's site. Damn infernal passwords confusing me.

Wednesday, May 05, 2004

What will they think of next?
I watched a programme on TV tonight about revenge and how much it is in the media recently. They neglected to mention Kill Bill though. hilarious stories included: Woman who gave a "Dog shit pie" to her cheating bastard of a husband. And something about a woman cutting a mans cajigga off. Crazy stuff people.
Tonight on the Fox Network: The battle Robocop never thought he would face! Robocop and Robolou battle to the death in Robocop 9: Do I Really Have To Fight A Woman?
Add 2.52 to your order to qualify for free Super Saver Delivery What the hell can I buy at price? That I actually want! Nothing! *Growling Noise*

EDIT: If you felt the need to know what I pur-chased then it is as follows: Songs About Jane By Maroon5 and Thirteen.
Quote of tonight on Msn "shes like a robot!" Chris Genn talking about Lou. or Robolou As he puts it.

Tuesday, May 04, 2004

Sorry if all the pictures have just kind of vanished. Trying to sort that out right now

EDIT: They are now back. Now with extra shakin!

Saturday, May 01, 2004

Maybe if it was a higher quality picture... The only thing I can read is Pearl Jam

Hoobastank rockaroonie!
My third sickness (was 2 or 3 months ago) has caused a fuck load of hassle (and I only went home an hour and a half early). It's all really getting on my tits (Nipples) and yeah it's been five months since I was meant to have a review (About the suspension thing)
Lee Keene's mum wants me to give Lee (Her) a call some time. Nah.
I hit a beaver in my car last night, it totaled my cars front. After hitting it the beaver then got up and proceeded to slap me and get into the driving seat and drove to this random place where some familiar band were playing music. I don't know.
King Shough-Above Average (getting that mental picture again? Quick think of beavers!)
I got an email today which (Oh my fucking God I just chocked on a Flipster!?!?!?!?!??! It's okay it popped right out of throat again after I made some crazy achargh noise) subject was titled "The Average Length Of A Penis Is 6.6 Inches" How do they know this? What have they measured everyones or something? Freaks! I'm above average if you were wondering.