Tuesday, May 25, 2004

An Average Life

So I have purchased Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life
And it indeed is pretty wonderful, you start off as a young lad and you have just inherited you dads farm. Yes is not a typical run of the mill game. There's not a gun in sight, maybe a sythe or something similar (but that's just used to harvest crops) the aim of the game is to run a successful farm by keeping livestock, harvesting crops and also have a successful life in general as you can get married and have children. I have only completed a couple of days so far, nothing like the forty something game years you play until your own very death when the game presumably ends. If the explanation of the game is rushed sorry, but I have to hurry back to Shough Farm and milk Daisy the cow, and look after all my crops, and also see if some love interest of mine wants to go for a drink in the Inner Inn. See you in game hell!


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