Saturday, June 05, 2004


They did it with a Sterophonics album, they did it with A Snow Patrol album and now the fuckers have done it with Jet's debut album. By it I mean add an extra special new track to the album a while after the original album has been released just to try and get 1 more frigging sale. They have even done more insane things such as re-releasing albums with DVD content and live songs, both for collectors and non-fans that hadn't yet bought it. Too long they have had a total disregard for the people that actually support the bands, too long have they tried to consistently rob us of our precious money. Too long have they mocked us. Stand up with me and let us go to war against the record labels. I have already devised a trilogy of films to follow our acts.

The Fellowship Of The CD
The Two Record Labels
And The Return Of The Beaver
(Yes, just for the hell of it.)

*Note. I'm sure Alex Cdmour is less pissed at the Jet one because he has yet to buy it, and now can reap the rewards of 1 extra track. Damn you!


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