Thursday, July 01, 2004


And who was it that said nothing interesting ever happend at work? Well ironically it was me
(although i'm sure i'm not the first or last to say it) Today two big things happend

#1 Due to the gypsey fuckers that have decided to pollute this already polluted town bombarding our toilet and mistreating it all day there is a fake "Out Of Order" sign on it therefore to prevent the freaks from going in there. Because of this the door is locked, however to unlock it all you need is a coin (a 2 pence coin in this instance) so just before 11am today before I went off skipping towards the dentist (more about that in a later post) I decided to go to the loo/toilet/bog/little boys|girls room and of course when I was in there locked it and started to "do my thing" only to be shockingly interupted as the door flew open as I screamed then I saw Karen covering her eyes stating how sorry she was and that she thought I was 'out the back' due to the insanely bad nose bleed I had just had. Well that's never happend to me before. I hope Karen didn't see anything she didn't want to/possibly did want to. OKay that's the first fucker out the way.

#2 Later on, after the trip out to the dentist the usual fuckers came in (one of the beaver brothers, and two others) and after exchanging hello's me and Andrea stood there waiting for them to come over and pay as I looked outside toward the forecourt the beaver-fucker (ahaha) said 'Catch' um yeah, So I turned to look at him and saw a bottle of fucking lucozade flying in the air and it bastard hit me in the head. Needless to say I went ballistic and raised my voice and told him to leave several times (after him saying 'sorry') and told him to 'go and think about what he had done' which I presume he did. If he isn't banned/shot I will take this further. I now have a fuck-off soar lump on my head and a bastard bad headache, and the hilarious thing? Andrea, although fair enough after I had told him to leave a few times she also joined in so credit to her. Also she did let main-store know and Mark rang over to 'see how I was' which was nice, although he could have come over but maybe I want too much.


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