Tuesday, July 13, 2004


You know what, lets brag for a second people! No, not about the holiday [although that will rock] but because we are all so good at Blogging now. Seriously, remember back in the 'olden days' when we would just write about uneventful, boring goings on that nobody else including ourselves cared about, when it was Baby6Billion instead of Bon/John Blackbourn. When we just posted for the hell of it because we could. When we could but only dream about implementing pictures and passwords and quality templates. Now we [most of us, most of the time] know when to post but perhaps more importantly know when not to post, I used to post like crazy on my old site but I have learnt a lot from then and personally think this site is better for it. John's sites were always designed well but Johnblackbourndotcom surpasses everything before it and is a constant hub of all kinds of activity [wordage, pictureage, songage, Firefoxage]. Anyway the point is, as we have got older and matured so too have our blogs/non bloggy websites and will continue to as we get older [if we still keep this kind of thing going], and I just bet we will look back on ourselves a few years down the line and think...what were we doing back then? And then write about all the new things we can and do with our sites and how much better we are at blogging and how are blogs have matured like a fine piece of cheddar, then probably remember me posting this um post about the whole thing and maybe do some kind of follow-up post, a sequel even. Well here’s looking forward to Brag...aroonie! Part 2. To be continued...


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