Tuesday, July 13, 2004

I think we are all doing pretty well at the moment [posting wise] seeing as Gilmour is away, when he is here [and also when a few of us are online at the same time] it usually helps create more posts because we all bounce ideas off each [sometimes steal them too], and thinking back to when he went to Florida for two weeks the percentage of posts fell an insane amount, I remember him saying when he came back that there wasn't actually that many new posts he hadn't read but he's going to have some kind of a shock when he returns this time [probably not though] unless he has been secretly reading it all via WAP [if that is the case then hey!]. Anyway, masterful stuff all round. Oh yeah, except for The Factory that's as dead as something that died a long time ago and is nothing but bones and mould and kinda smells funny too, not haha funny though...Still I'm sure it will be resurrected like it's number one fan...Jesus Christ, hi by the way!


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