Tuesday, July 13, 2004

Richard And Judy

Oh how I laugh at them. Richard spends the majority of the show mocking his wife Judy, talking insanely fast and pretending to know everything about everything. Judy spends the majority of the show being interrupted, not talking much, being mocked and messing up lines. Hours of entertainment surely, cue hilarious quote [below] (as they were sitting outside in front of some fish tanks)


Richard: Yeah, I like sitting outside here actually Judy because on the TV it looks like the fish are going in one side of your head and out the other

Judy: Yes Richard, because we both know there is nothing in between don't we


Pure genius! Yesterday was great, they interviewed former president and legend Bill Clinton. Hilariously Judy kept calling him "Mr President" erm no Judy, that's George W Bush surely? Also asking him ridiculously absurd questions [none of which I can remember, doh] and Richard accused him of having split personalities. Anyway, to sum up...They are worth watching for sheer comic value let alone the actual content of the show. Keep up the hilarious work guys.


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