Tuesday, August 03, 2004

Game Hunt

Recently you may have noticed in the news the story of Stefan Pakeerah, 14 who was repeatedly battered with a claw hammer and stabbed to death after being lured to a local park. The parents of Stefan have blamed the game Manhunt [certificate 18] the reason why Seventeen-year-old Warren Leblanc committed the atrocity. The sad truth is, Warren [who should not have had a copy of the game in the first place because he is not old enough, thus pointing blame at his parents] is the only one responsible. Rockstar games are not responsible as such content [in video games or otherwise] has never been linked with anything like this. I would fully support a sequel to the game, and probably purchase it as I already own the game in question. Violence in video games or film does not warp a stable mind and it is the sole responsibility and blame that Warren Leblanc in this case has to own up to and accept [he has pleaded guilty]. It's disappointing to see retail agents Dixons and PC World and GAME among others have removed the said game from sale. I urge you all to go out and track down a copy of the game and decide for yo'self. Available on PS2, XBOX and PC from Amazon.co.uk with 25% off the retail price.


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