Tuesday, August 31, 2004

The "Village"

I liked the opening of the film it was tense and a little scary. But unlike in the Sixth Sense, Signs and Unbreakable the "twist" end was given away far too early. It however didn't leave the rest of the film totally redundant but took the edge away from it. I felt it was a little underwhelming at the end. It wasn't nearly as cleaver and as original as Unbreakable, it lacked the brilliant twist of the Sixth Sense and the story telling wasn't pulled off as well as Signs (in my opinion). Even M. Night appearing at the end seemed tacked on and wasn't as cool as when he appeared in Signs. I would still recommend it to anybody despite not rating it highly myself as I can see why it could be considered as a very good film. One of my favorite actors Joaquin Phoenix played the part well, and Adrien Brody was believable as the backwards/village idiot guy and Bryce Dallas Howard gave a near epic performance. Missed opportunity Possibly, compared to previous efforts weak...Compared to most other films not bad at all.


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