Saturday, September 25, 2004


So, Burnout3 is retina explodingly fast. Sometimes your going so fast your brain isn't quick enough to react to what's happening on screen, say your bombing down a straight at a cool 230mph and you think to yourself there's a lorry coming my way directly in front of me I had better get out of the way [all this in the space of 3/10's of a second] but by then it's too late and you have crashed. Of course sometimes you can avoid this and I have had periods where I have been so "in the zone" I haven't crashed at all, broke lap records, and taken down [forced other cars off the road] all the other racers but then suddenly B. A. M. Your concentration dips and your moment of "in the zoneness" is over. Anyway the game is mind numbingly legendary but does suffer from EA Games influence;
something telling you what track is being played on the car radio popping up at the worst times, poor loading times [despite the genius loading screen of two cars driving towards each other and eventually crashing] and far too many fmv's telling you "congratulations you have unlocked bla bla bla" combined with the "you have won a new car!" both of which are un-skippable and start to grate after a while. Despite these flaws though the game still rocks. 9/10.


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