Monday, September 06, 2004

A Lack Of inspiration To The Head

Really not worth the admission these days are they, [blogs]they just leave you with an empty feeling inside after you have viewed the same content/new content over again/for the first time. At least I/we haven't resorted to pictures, stealing other peoples idea's or jokes or the like, at least we will go down with some respect left and it will be a bloody fight of an end too you know. When we started it was great then bam! Time passes, and our blogs/sites degrade to the point of annihilation. I cranked things up a notch by ditching 'Shough' and replacing it with 'king shough' which was nothing more than a name change/cosmetic change but it did help [for a while] to inject some kind of inspiration thus leading to frequent postage, anyway that's ended and with it the 'art of blogging' maybe we will all make an effort to do something special in the future but I just don't think I've got it in me. There aren't many topics I want to discuss openly on here anymore and the jokes are dead. Well, see you later.


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