Friday, October 15, 2004

Die Amazon Die!

The love affair with Amazon is over, gone, dead...Forever. They used to be the greatest, they still are good but no longer the greatest. They used to offer exactly what you wanted or better for cheaper and delivered at a great price in a short amount of time. Even on one epic occasion I bought a dvd which they later put down in price and actually credited my account with the difference...Super fantastiche! But now they offer pretty much what other online sites offer but with added fuck-ups! I recently purchased [despite not really having much money] The, Simpsons Season 4 on dvd, great yeah! Although they gave one with French packaging!! Reading the foreword by Matt Groening in French isn't as easy as it sounds, in fact it's impossible I only understood the very basic things. Now, they have really done my nut in by saying something will be dispatched/delivered in a certain time-frame and disappointing again. Buck yo' ideas up Amazon or face da boot.


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