Saturday, October 02, 2004

Where have all the songs gone?

I haven't wrote any songage for a while but last forced myself to [probably not the best way to go about things] last night, anyway I wrote a lame one about the war which only has one epic line in it so I was just going to post that but I decided that's just as lame so here is the whole thing;

Political Fuck Up
End of the fighting, fighting, fighting
Sick of the lightening from all the bombs overhead
Send another 100 to the country, you'll never sleep at night in bed
Political fuck up, nonsense propaganda, words so long they hurt your head
Another explosion, suicide bomber 100 wounded 24 dead
Report on the news another one captured everyone suddenly cares
Another nightmare, it's world war 3, something doesn't fit
Where is the reason, where are your friends
Pray for forgiveness, till your end.


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