Friday, November 12, 2004

Aha Shake Heartbreak

By The Kings Of Leon
Warning: What lies within is a short review, for a more logical review or to buy Aha Shake Heartbreak go here. Aha Shake Heartbreak then is the Kings Of Leon's follow up to their brilliant debut Youth and Young Manhood. Despite hosting 13 new songs the album is relatively short [under 40 minutes] but this counts for nothing when you consider what's on offer. Single The Bucket is typically upbeat and really lets you see what the whole KOL thing is about. There are too many good songs to mention but rest assured it's at least equal to the debut album in terms of overal quality. NME has said "...A-Ha Shake Heartbreak is gonna piss all over Youth and Young Manhood. Hallelujah!" and The Times declared that the new material in their set "consolidated their status as perhaps the finest American band of this decade". However as with certain other things it's a love/hate thing, you either dig them or you don't. K/S verdict: 9/10. Where KOL go from here is really up to them, but it looks like they are here to stay.

Robe Is Online, Gasp!

bshdsjhbfekjebfjekfjeqqw says: er yeah so eaten much kebab lately?

He proceeds to talk about Kebabs for a while, maybe it's not actually him and it's some kind of ROBE Emulator? Only time will tell.


Track/album official King Shough Review

1985-Classic Manics rock-pop with a catchy tune
The Love Of Richard Nixon-bizarre song about Nixon that sounds good but lacks something
Empty Souls-Featuring the lyrics "collapsing like the twin towers" Both brilliant and emotional.
A Song For Departure-High tempo from the start sounding strangely like Robbie Williams but better, with great backing vocals.
I Live To Fall Asleep-Starting with a piano solo lyrics flow easily as does the music, great chorus and probably will be a single.
To Repel Ghosts-Great drumming and Guitar playing make this worthwhile, highly majestic too.
Emily-Love song, and a great one at that...Like a down-tempo Design For Life or something.
Glasnost-Over almost before it begins, sounds great though especially the guitar playing
Always/Never-Brilliant vocals and lyrics again with great backing, One of the best on the album.
Solitude Sometimes Is-Manics on fine form here again, another classic in the making. A single? Must be.
Fragments-"There is a place where peace exists" is a lyric taken out of this very good (album only probably) song.
Cardiff Afterlife-The final song on the album and it's worth getting to, a contender for best song on the album.

The K/S [King Shough] verdict: 9/10. Lifeblood catches the Manics at their best and as a result is something special that fans will love but probably won't do enough to persuade non-fans, it is worth your time though and is easily more focused and concise than their previous offering Know Your Enemy.

Funny Of The Day

Funny of the day, although technically yesterday was me when I got home from the hospital in the afternoon, I started to park the car but instead drove straight into the garage door [bwaahahahaha!] taking the fucker off it's hinges! I told Dad I had "other things" on my mind and he was like "I knew you were going to say that!, anyway it won't happen again probably.

1 in 100,000

So, as you may know by now I have officially got Addison's Disease, it's basically when the adrenal glands fuck up. They don't produce enough Cortisol. It's something I have probably had for quite a few years and has been progressively getting worse. Basically I have just got to take tablets [forever, morning and night] which replace the Cortisol in my body thus making me well again and will allow my body to fight off illness much better. You can read about it here if you so wish. Brilliantly I have just found out that I don't have to pay for my tablets because I am exempt for reasons I am still unsure of (but woot anyways). Also the one hilarious side affect of the disease is a craving for salty foods, which explains my love of Salt and Vinegar Sticks and also putting a fuck-off huge pile of salt on most meals. The other random thing I was diagnosed with was an under-active thiroid gland thingy but that can be sorted easy enough (kool). Anyway i'm happy I/they know what's going down wit me and I know I could have more serious shit wrong with me so it's all cool. Chow for now.

Monday, November 08, 2004

Oversizedglassesaurous, Obviously.

Links Of The Day

James Blonde

The other day Tom (Robe) (Okay, Tom) said I looked like James Bond because I kind of dived underneath the counter to grab a money bag ran along (while crouching) to grab a blue container for the money before re-appearing the other side of the counter with a gun in my hand...Okay, there was no gun. Anyway I'll never be Bond, although maybe a spoof (James Blonde) or some kind of Bond baddie perhaps, the man with the golden hair anyone? No?

The Good, The Bad And The Random

The Good: Getting paid for the shift I should have been working tomorrow, but hilariously am not.

The Bad: The reason why I won't be working tomorrow, I have to go to the hospital "aaah needles"

The Random: Lately I've been working lots, playing games lots and spending money on clothes (lots) I have also failed in posting on here (lots). But be patient young Jedi, the force is still strong and despite the blackness of this website I haven't gone to the dark side.