Friday, November 12, 2004

1 in 100,000

So, as you may know by now I have officially got Addison's Disease, it's basically when the adrenal glands fuck up. They don't produce enough Cortisol. It's something I have probably had for quite a few years and has been progressively getting worse. Basically I have just got to take tablets [forever, morning and night] which replace the Cortisol in my body thus making me well again and will allow my body to fight off illness much better. You can read about it here if you so wish. Brilliantly I have just found out that I don't have to pay for my tablets because I am exempt for reasons I am still unsure of (but woot anyways). Also the one hilarious side affect of the disease is a craving for salty foods, which explains my love of Salt and Vinegar Sticks and also putting a fuck-off huge pile of salt on most meals. The other random thing I was diagnosed with was an under-active thiroid gland thingy but that can be sorted easy enough (kool). Anyway i'm happy I/they know what's going down wit me and I know I could have more serious shit wrong with me so it's all cool. Chow for now.


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