Wednesday, December 08, 2004

I Hate You Jethro

<--A picture of "Jethro" in a I'm the biggest cock in the world pose on a dvd of his. I cannot convey in words how much I despise this man and his so called comedy. Comedians are meant to be funny, yet I am so sure he will never make me laugh that I'm willing to bet my Nan on it, I sat through one of his shows via a video mum borrowed about a year ago and I still have the bitter memories lingering in my mind. There is no way anyone can possibly find him funny unless your stupid/retarded/blind/deaf or have a different sense of humor to me. I may even take my unquenchable rage out on him myself on a new reality TV show possibly called "Deathro", I'm just waiting for the go ahead from BBC bosses.


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