Wednesday, December 08, 2004

I Have Been labeled

Forget my name Justin, forget the whole 'King Thing' too I have been labeled an Addisonian which is of course somebody that has Addison's Disease. Yesterday I stumble-surfed my way onto which is a self help group for people with said disease. Strangely enough today the consultant I met with said he had found this great site I should take a look at, hilariously the site was the very same one [co-incidence??!?!?!]. After having a check over and a lengthy chat with the consultant and more tests [eye sight, blood etc.] he told me I am going to have to take another type of medicine everyday along with the one I have been taking already, I have to return from whence I came on Jan6 for more tests and possible treatment for my under active thyroid gland although this may not happen depending on the results of me taking the new medicine. Interestingly me along with just one other person is on 'da books' at the hospital with the disease, meaning of course it is highly rare. I could go into more detail but that would be excessively pointless, so see you hell :)


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