Sunday, December 19, 2004

A Meme Inspired By

This is King-Shough's A-Z of what I think you should be looking at on the net [porn not included]

A is for

-Buying on the net made easy and cheap, also it's easy and cheap again.

B is for Blogger

-Get your thoughts on the web for free, even a fool could get to grips with this

C is for

-Lovely and pretty although slightly homosexual, it's the linkblog

D is for

-One of my favorite search engines

E is for

-For everything you can't get on and more

F is For Flickr

-Still in Beta but who cares it's great for hosting your photos

G is for Google

-It's the daddy of search engines and more besides

H is for Hotmail

-It's functional, and msn messenger alone makes it worthwhile having an account

I is for

-Games previews, reviews, cheats and faq's ign has it all

J is for Johnblackbourn

-Bon's Quality British Hypertext needs no introduction

K is for King-shough

-Who? Oh him, he's quite random...I don't know anything else that starts with 'k'

L is for Lemonysnicket

-"Attention: please run for your life" A funny, well-designed site.

M is for Mozzila

-Get Firefox 1.0!

N is for Neoseeker

-Technology and games and more.

O is for 02

-The leading mobile phone site on the web

P is for Popex [sort of]

-Anyone remember this? Nah. PopEx is a free music based share trading game.

Q is for

-See Jane Groove or something, I randomly stumbled upon this.

R is for Rockstar Games

-Publishers/developers of the epic Grand Theft Auto series and more

S is for Steam News

-News, from Steam. If you haven't got HL2 don't even bother.

T is for The Factory

-A Co-Production Joint-Venture Multi-Blog.

U is for Ubisoft

-Publishers of such great games as Prince Of Persia and Brothers In Arms

V is for vanpraagh [who?]

-Some bloke my dad is always going on about, come on it's 'V' for someone's sake!

W is for

-As pointless and essential as oxygen

X is for Xmas Time

-I was scraping the metaphorical barrel with this Christmas search thingy

Y is for Yellow Pages [well not really, it's 'Y' for fucks sake]

-Yellow Pages made simple/ depends what way you look at it

Z is for

-A site about Braff, basically.


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