Wednesday, December 08, 2004

The Prince

Until today, I hadn't played a Prince Of Persia game since the original on my Amiga500+ The version in question is POP: Warrior Within on the PS2. There was of cause POP: The Sands Of Time also on PS2 last year but after playing a demo I decided I didn't like the combat too much although the puzzle elements and awe inspiring acrobatic style made my jaw drop. Now with POP: WW the combat has been much improved and visually the game is just as stunning as the previous game but now with a much darker tone. The best feature is still the ability to "mess with time" holding L1 too rewind time and stop yo' self falling off a cliff or getting cut in half is hugely satisfying, so to is slowing down and speeding time all of which you will need to implement into your gameplay to succeed. The only week part of the game is the awful guitar crap-rock and slightly naff voice acting although hearing the beautiful Monica Bellucci's voice in the game is always pleasant. [Click here for an interview with MB on being in the game] I really haven't seen enough of the game to give an un-biased score but lets just say 8/10 for now. Below is a screenshot showcasing the games sonic-fonic-tronic-super-great-onic grahics.

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