Thursday, December 23, 2004

You Will Read DSB:3

Featuring such highlights as;

Taken From : Escape From the Planet of the Alex’s

Moe: Sir, an escape pod has just been launched!

Captain: Dear God! Who’s in it?

Moe: It appears to be one of our lab chimpanzees! Or a creature of inferior intelligence!

B6B: No...It's Son of Paul!

Michelle: So...a creature of inferior intelligence!

Taken From: The Evil One

R.O.B.E.: An unknown virus possibly a Trojan horse has entered my system sir, Probably something to do with Paul but I think this originated somewhere else!

B6B: Probably Jamaica or Peru or some other country that has become more and more obsolete in the last 1000 years!

Moe: I don't think Jamaicans know a lot about computers, or Peruvians!

B6B: It was only a joke! Remember? Jokes?

Taken From: The Lord of The Ring

The Phone Rings...

Alex: Hello?

Phone: You have seven years to live...

Alex: Seven years? Cool!

Phone: Sorry I meant seven days, the translation from Japanese is poor at best...

Alex: Nooooooooooooooooo!

Taken From: The Omen 4: Damien In Space

Priest Ed: Will you be joining us today in our house of love?

Moe: Ed? What's going on?

Priest Ed: I'm priest Ed! Another holographic version of the real Ed devised by Alex, engineered by the powers that be.

And From: God, The Devil And Paul

Alex: Don't lie Paul, Paul...born of a jackal destroyed our TV! I have it all on tape! I just sent it to that TV programme where they show hilarious exploits of people caught on tape, I bet Lisa Riley is laughing at it now while she enjoys a large vat of lard.


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