Sunday, January 16, 2005

Push Button Publishing [Within A Certain Time Period]

Thanks to the punks and punkettes at Zone Alarm my internet connection of late has been unstable to say the least. After being on the net for about five minutes I get a message saying that it's "timed out" and that "the page cannot be displayed" then when I try to view another webpage I get re-directed to some kind of crazy ass site about Zone Alarm where they tell me an error has occurred within the Zone Alarm system and they have "locked out" my net usage in order to prevent further problems occurring. Muffett has been doing his best to help me sort out the problem using his vast knowledge [vast compared to me anyway] and at one point even using "remote assistance" through msn messenger to take control of my computer, which was actually more hilarious than helpful "wow, the mouse is moving all on it's on teehee" etc. I finally resorting to deleting [un-install wouldn't function] Zone Alarm and all related files which at the moment is working but if it goes "tits up" again it will mean that if I want to use the net I will have to do whatever I need to do on it within the time frame I have when I first connect, so Posts In 60 Seconds will perhaps become the order of the day.


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