Tuesday, February 22, 2005

10 things I might want to do before I die:

1/Train a monkey to be my pet butler
2/Go out at 4am in the middle of the night on a winters day and take pictures of the snow
3/Travel the world
4/Have a near-death experience so that I would start living life to the fullest
5/Do something I will be remembered for/Think of something I can do to be remembered for
6/Re-build the Titanic and hire a Kate Winslet look-a-like for the day and shout I'm the king-shough of the world off the side of the ship
7/Watch every episode of Friends that I have recently aquired on dvd [could take years]
8/Convince my mum that Johhny Cash doesn't sound like my uncle John and that hurt is an epic song
9/Prove/disprove that ghosts exist
10/Finish writing "10 things I might want to do before I die"


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