Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Man Face On Fire

So, if you didn't know I recently (three days ago) starting using a new face care product from Nivea [Nivea For Men Revitalising Eye Relief Q10] after using it for two days, I noticed red marks starting to appear under my eyes [where I had used the cream as directed on the "handy" box] so I stopped using the cream thinking it would just go away. I was wrong though, the next day (yesterday) I woke up looking like the some kind of mutant freak, my eyes were closed shut and I had a severe rash under my eyes and was pretty much in agony with it. Today it wasn't much better, so I went to the doctors and he prescribed something for it [ironically another cream]. As I'm writing this though I am actually in more pain than what I was before using the new cream [fuck!]. Anyway, to the point! Whatever you do don't even bother buying this product it's officially evil [and frickin' expensive @ £10.00]. Now, to the funny bit...Something we can all enjoy, two potential quotes of the week to come out of this event are as follows [both said by my Dad]

You look like the boy out of The Snowman!
You look like a foreigner, possibly a Chinese Man

-Yeah, thanks Dad.


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