Thursday, March 31, 2005

The Erotic Adventures Of Hercules

So, I have decided some people have all the time in the world. By some people I'm referring mostly to the old and stupid. For example, most normal people like you and I it takes only a short period of time to fill your vehicle up with fuel. But for some people, it's a day out, an epic adventure that goes on forever...Or until the pump cuts them off for taking too long. Seriously, one guy even brings a deck-chair with him to fill his car up I mean...Why don't you pack a ******* picnic? Anyway I decided that in the time that it takes for some people to fill up y their car you could yourself probably achieve some great feat. Such as peace on Earth or writing a short erotic story [both good choices]

And so with that Laura began her accent into womanhood as she felt her loins burning with the passion ignited by Hercules soft touch, "I told you I'd rock your world" Hercules quipped...

Customer: Hello, Pump 10 please

Justin: What? But Hercules hasn't finished caressing Laura's beautiful body yet...I mean, 20 pounds please


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