Sunday, March 20, 2005

Girl TV Show interrupted

I hate it when I'm watching some quality TV, TV that's lets face it is usually an American export [24, Six Feet Under] and some bastard...Or friend as their usually referred to as, decides they are going to come round your house totally uninvited "Hi" you say "How nice to see you" when really your thinking "What the hell do you want? I want to get back to watching Desperate Housewives so I can have a fantasy about Teri Hatcher" or something to that affect, but then of course you have to converse with them and "make conversation" and at least pretend your interested in what they are saying and not that your wondering how you could strangle them with your socks that you have tied together in a hilarious fashion in some random-bored moment to create some kind of SupersockTM. Anyway rant over.


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