Sunday, March 20, 2005

Tony Almeida

So, does anyone want to co-found a I Tony Almeida fan club? It's not that I actually love him, in fact an "I like Tony Almeida as much as I like cheese and tomato sandwiches" would be a more appropriate title for the club. For those not in the know Tony Almeida is a fictional character on the TV show 24, he was a major character in seasons 1-3 and after taking a period of leave from the start of the fourth season has returned with style, and a killer beard too...He's also a drunk and his wife has left him but enough about that. Anyway he's easily the second best actor on the show [second to Kiefer Sutherland of course] and is as vital in my opinion to the shows success as much as the 'dutdooo,dutdooo' noise the phone makes. Anyway I forget my original point to this post, to summarize I am not in love with Tony Almeida, but he's frickin' cool all the same.


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