Thursday, March 10, 2005

What The Truck?

"Are you claustrophobic, do you mind small spaces?" "Why?" I stupidly asked, "Well..."


"You have got to have an MRI scan" "Oh, boobies" Okay, so I didn’t say Oh, Boobies to Mr Jennings my consultant...but I almost wish I had, I said "Okay, fine" I've also got to get my nerves in my legs tested [because they are a bit sporadic] somehow using electricity, it all sounds pretty insane to me anyway. On a plus though, they finally found out the original cause for my adrenal glands to be semi-destroyed, apparently it's super-rare, but I have a whole bunch of biatch fatty acids in my blood [or somewhere anyway] that have presumably vowed to try and erase me from existence much like in the film The Terminator, anyway I’m rambling/babbling so I’ll stop.


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