Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Major Justin Shough

Excessive isn't a word I often associate with filling in forms online, normally in fact they are in-excessive, that is their inner beauty...the thing that makes them easier and more fun to fill in than forms in real life™ but while randomly shopping for some random clothes on the net, I was about to fill in my address details and select the "MR" box that goes before my name when much to my shock and delight I found more options than you can shake a bag of beavers at :]. The designer of the form obviously wasn't content with just the standard Mr, Mrs, Miss, no no no this just wouldn't do! So what you have is the ultimate choice, the choice of title that discriminates against nobody! If your a Dr, that's fine you can have that title or a PC, or Reverend that's okay too! Or maybe you want to be a Duke, Lady or Captain? The choice was near endless, my own personal choice? Major of course! I always saw myself as a Major, but then I got scared and wondered if they would know I wasn't really a major so I changed it back to Mr, but it was fun while the dream lasted anyway.


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