Friday, April 01, 2005

Random Rhyme Time

It's easy to feel a tinge of sadness as you hinge on madness.

If I hadn't taken a gun to my head I wouldn't be full of regret, I feel your sadness now i'm dead.

The Sonic-boom of self dissolving gloom fills my room when I think of you.

This poetry that i've been reading has come about cos my heart is bleeding
I take a journey in my mind, it's more exciting and takes less time
I once was blind but now I see, all the hurt you brought onto me
It's a rainy day but I stand outside, I let the rain wash away my doubt
The sky is painted red with your deceit
I don't know how you sleep at night, i'm still reeling from our fight
The radio keeps playing our song but it won't be long before it's not ours anymore.


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