Friday, May 20, 2005

How Great Am I?

I don't normally gloat, and I don't think I have ever gloated about something so totally random that it's probably not worth "gloating" about. But here it is, before I publish a post onto my website I normally first write it in Word, this makes it easier for me to put content online when the time comes and is the reason why just lately I have been splurging a lot of posts all in one go rather than one at a time. Anyway "What's the point of this you poor excuse for a King?" I hear you think, well the document that houses said content is called Draft Punk See, I knew you would be impressed, it's an obvious pun on the band Daft Punk, and serves only to amuse me every time I open it. I can see your impressed, so much so your gradually moving the mouse courser over the the Close button.


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