Wednesday, May 18, 2005


Okay, it's sharing time. This is one of the few posts [many] on my website where I share with you something immensely personal, just for your sheer twisted voyeuristic pleasure. At night I often hallucinate, you may or may not know this. I often see fluffy brightly shaped objects floating around my room, it's as if I'm feeling the effects of some crazy drug (I presume, never having taken drugs I couldn't possibly know for sure). Occasionally the fluffy brightly shaped objects aren't fluffy or bright at all, no they can be twisted hideous apparitions that would make your heart skip a bit. Last night hilariously (un-hilariously at the time) I hallucinated a circular saw above my bed, it slowly lowered itself onto my body and for a second I almost thought I was going to be sawn in half. The time was 2am, I was in a half-asleep state, I screamed out "Aaaah help" or something more macho like "Ha, I laugh in the face of twisted killing machine saws" Then I did something totally random (without knowing), I decided the only reason I must have been awake was that my alarm had gone off for work, so I went into the bathroom and started to get ready for work, seconds later however my mum called from the other room "What the hell are you doing? It's 2am!" "Oh" I shouted back, then I got back into bed and slept peacefully until my alarm actually woke me up ready for work. This can't go on, it's insane!


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