Saturday, May 21, 2005

Use The Circle Luke...

It's ironic that the final Star Wars film "isn't for kids" because Lego Star Wars [appearing on all this generation home consoles] is aimed squarely at the younger gamer. The game [at least on face value] represents value for money, you can pick it up for around 24.99 and it's got all three of the new prequels in it, rather than just focusing on one. However, adults beware! The game could easily be completed in an hour, and this is a game that even my Nan could complete due to it's simplicity, but thankfully this is a plus point as much as it is a negative. Combat, be it with blaster of lightsaber is a button bashing affair, and to block while using a lightsaber you simply hold down the square button. When in control of the Jedi, you can use the force simply by pressing and holding circle, it works remarkably well it's only shortcoming is that lego blocks and other objects can only follow a pre-determined course, there are no Half-Life2 glorious physics shenanigans here folks. The graphics are totally sublime, full of character flair and glorious cute animation. It has to be said this game remains as faithful to the films as a game of a film with lego characters ever could hope to be, it's "one for the kids" but it's also "one for the fans". It has a beautiful two player mode, that allows a second humanoid to pick up a controller and control a secondary character, be it a Jedi, Yoda or Darth Maul [this game lets you be just about anyone you want to be from the Star Wars universe]. At just a press of a button you can revert back to a one player game which is handy when you want to kick Alex out of your home [kidding, obviously...Don't arrest me I have a wife and kids] I could continue to talk about how genuinely humorous and entertaining the whole thing is and about the brilliant old-school pod racing and space battle set pieces but I have already said too much. Treat yourself. 8/10.


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