Friday, June 24, 2005


It's a big long motherfucker of a word yo. It's what the doctors or quackiequacks as I don't refer to them as think I have, and is the original cause of me having Addison's Disease, although they have taken another blood test today just to be 100% sure they are pretty certain that is what it is. Basically in stupid-drunk-Irishman's terms my body is missing an enzyme and has been since birth. When they can confirm this is what I have [3-4 months] they will then test to see whether I have inherited the condition or whether I have spawned this genetic balls up myself and by myself I mean my parents obviously. I like to share all this with the world just cause I will probably forget otherwise and this way I have something to refer back to [insert canned laughter]. Adrenoleukodystrophy [deep breath now], as well as affecting the adrenal glands can also affect the nervous system of the body causing potentially not very nice things [lets not go there] but there is every chance this won't happen to me for a very long time [yay]. The complicated bit: If I have a son he won't get it and will be totally okay, if I ever have a daughter she will be totally okay too [women can't suffer from this condition] but she would be a carrier meaning there is a potential 50% chance of my grandchildren inheriting the condition. Anyway, enough about me...How are you?


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