Monday, June 20, 2005

Bon's My favorite Films of All Time

If someone were to ask me what my favorite film was, I would tell them to ask me something more interesting. But...If I was absolutely forced to give an answer, however, I would be inclined to say Fight Club, the performances of Brad Pitt and Ed Norton speak for themselves, the direction is subtle genius and the conclusion utterly shocking in a "Bruce Willis has been dead all along" Sixth Sense kind of way Speaking of which, here are the best of the rest:

* Pulp Fiction
* Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind
* The Silence Of The Lambs
* Se7en
* Garden State
* Gangs of New York
* Unbreakable
* The Lion King
* The Matrix

Some more of my favorite films which don?t quite make it into my all-time favorites:

* Die Hard 1,2,3
* Black Hawk Down
* Resevoir dogs
* The Royal Tenenbaum's
* Toy Story
* Saving Private Ryan
* Forrest Gump
* Apocalypse Now Redux
* The Lord Of The Rings 1,2,3

Thank you. This is not a meme(ish)

I also love Dumb and Dumber like it's the best film of all time, but I know I shouldn't so it doesn't officially make any grade in this list apart from this special mention. BTW, the films stated here may not actually be my favorites at all, in fact my opinions and choices are likely to change on a regular basis but I thought I owed it to myself to at least try.


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