Monday, June 20, 2005

Fever Of Hay

I thought (read: hoped) that this year my hayfever would be a lesser evil than it has been in previous years due to the fact I am now on medication [hyrdrocortisone and fludrocortisone 3 times daily] for my "chronic" illness Addison's. But no, my nose still runs and bleeds and my eyes still get bloodshot. It's uncomfortable and unnecessary and it makes me look like I'm best friends with Pete Doherty (mmm drugs etc.) anyway roll on the autumn months when hayfever disappears from whence it came. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy the sunny weather as much as Johnny 'I love the sun' Sunny [I made him up :P] but I don't enjoy the condition it brings with it. Also I hate wasps and bumblebees, they are evillllll.


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