Sunday, June 12, 2005

Life's Mysteries

The numbers you calculate sit on a desk and wait for you to operate
But you see, when you believe you have to conceive there's nothing so wrong it can't be put right
And that's when you try, oh you try till you can find some peace of mind
You roll life's mysteries up into one
The moon and the sun
Now can you see
Just you and me
In the parking lot of an empty shopping mall someone sits in a car and stalls
They grab the wheel and rip it off, their anger fueled by years of loss
A little tear drops, on the face of a soldier he's only 21 but feels years older
You roll life's mysteries up into one
A shot from a gun
Now we can try
Just you and I
Yeah you roll life's mysteries up into one
We had a son, a new life begun
If only we tried, so hard not to cry
Maybe we could, do some good
The deep ocean may hold the key
So empty and blue
Just me and you.


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