Tuesday, October 18, 2005


"It could kill you within a year or you could live a perfectly normal life till your in your forties" Such is the poorness of ALD. I really haven't found the time to blog about the whole thing much yet and probably won't, it's hard to put into words. What is easy to put into words though is that I have just started talking to a girl called Sarah who has Addison's Disease (yeah...that other thing I have.) and she seems a pretty neat girl (neat? wtf, my vocabulary sucks) she also has diabetes which totally sucks. Hopefully we are going to meet up, which should be good. Also, I have started exchanging emails with someone who's child has ALD...it kind of opens up your eyes to things you would otherwise never know about, peoples grief and worry...things that people shouldn't have to cope with...we all have these things everyone of us, they are part of the reason we should live life to the full and make the most of every day...so yeah I should really stop laying around in my boxer shorts playing video games during my days off work...ah well!


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