Saturday, October 08, 2005

Lotto Lout Extends Fame To King-Shough Shock

Yes, you have all read about that bloke who won the lottery and went insane and ate loads of McDonald's and stole things he probably could have just, well...Paid for and also drove around clapped out old cars and smashed them up for "the fun" and basically "terrorized" his neighbors in "leafy Swaffham" and btw since when the fuck do we call it leafy mother fucking Swaffham? Anyway the point, he's apparently having a doll made of himself by some toy company (think Action man but chaved up a notch replete with extendable arms to hold his McDonald's and lots of Mr T style jewelry. Set to be this years Christmas craze, I have already made room for mine in my dresser draw beside my Tamagotchi and Furbi.


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