Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Better :)

Living inside a rain-soaked cardboard box
to occupy an entrance to a boarded up shop
on pebbled stone underneath an 18th century clock
the moon reflects in your hazel eyes as you sob
you called out for help, for money, till you felt lost
many people pass you by, their averted gaze catching your eye
Smoking to stay warm, your lungs as black as your heart
Your parents used to look for you, before it got dark.

Saturday, November 26, 2005

Funeral For A Friend: History

Dear friends of this academy
Romeo is bleeding to death
To see a friend bleed to death, what for
Some kind of metaphor that I cant see?
So I'll drink until I see it.

This sky will make me sick
So I'll give up on you
I'll give up on this
This sky will make me sick
So I'll give up on this
I'll give up on you

Archers in your arches
Raise your fingers for one last salute
And bleed this skyline dry
Your history is mine

So you want to hold me up and bring me down
Yes, you want to hold me up and break me down
I don't care for your sweet scent
Or the way you want me more than I want you
I don't care for your sweet scent
Or the way you want me more than I want you

Archers in your arches
Raise your fingers for one last salute
And bleed this skyline dry
Your history is mine

Archers in your arches
Raise your fingers for one last salute
And bleed this skyline dry
Your history is mine..

It's all mine..
It's all mine..
It's all mine..

Archers in your arches
Raise your fingers for one last salute
And bleed this skyline dry
Your history is mine..

Archers in your arches
Raise your fingers for one last salute
And bleed this skyline dry
Your history is mine..

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Come on baby blue, shake up your tired eyes the world is waiting for you may all your dreaming, fill the empty sky. Too easily we (I) forget how good Oasis are.
I didn't realize this was an online English exam, but thanks Ally. Next time, fuck off.

The Shins

Fans of modern American indie music, particularly Modest Mouse and Spoon, will find that there's much for them to enjoy here
Yes i'm still raving about The Shins, who to sum up are The Beatles but 10 times better (joke Alex, you can re-insert your eye balls to their sockets right about now) but seriously, they are the best band in the world alive, together today. Not convinced? They covered We Will Become Silhouettes by The Postal Service, download it and check it out.

Sunday, November 20, 2005

Son Of Busted

I hate this band, they are doing what New Found Glory did years before but much, much poorer. Your rubbish, your rubbish I hate you. In other news check out Fightstar the 1/3 of Busted we do care about, sorry did I say we? I meant you (apparently they are good anyway)

Get your hands off my cousin (motherfucker)

Okay firstly, the title is only meant for hilarity only and should not be taken literally. So, apparently Ashley Corkhill is going out with my cousin who by the way is like 8 years older and has two kids :O. It seems a bit odd to me anyway, but erm congrats. Great title though hey, cheers cuz!

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Try To Sleep

You try to sleep, your cold tears form lines across your cheek
I fly un-aided, surrounded by love, that is how I feel
My heart beats faster than it should, like a precious stone your eyes a perfect blue
Reach out to me my mind screams, I'm the other side of the bed yet we have never felt more apart than this
If you cut me, cut me, cut me, I will bleed
If you cut me, cut me, cut me, I will heal
Sometimes I burn so deep, our arguments like a knife in the ribs
But you lay there, and try to sleep. Shough05

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

What are the chances!?!?

At 11.40am today I served somebody who had petrol and some grocery items and their bill came to 22.12, suspicious. Think about it.

Black Magic

I just played a "guess the number" game on somebodies blog, I got it right in 5 attempts the first time, then the second time I guessed it in one attempt. As the guess the number game is between 1-100 there was a 1 in 100 chance of this happening, quite rare [the number was 84 if you must know] Now I just need to win the lottery, easy.

Monday, November 14, 2005

Paul's Car

I'm sure Paul won't mind me sharing with the world these pictures of his car, he was involved in an accident yesterday. It wasn't his fault and nobody was seriously injured but he does have bruising, so feel some sympathy already!


Montage-a-google is a simple web-based app that uses Google's image search to generate a large gridded montage of images based on keywords (search terms) entered by the user. Not only an interesting way of browsing the net, it can also be used to create desktop pictures or even posters

Check it out hombre

Sunday, November 13, 2005

Non-King Shough

Soon to be an epic dramatization on ITV7, the story of how a king lost his crown. "realizing I no longer earned the right to call my self a king was the first step to salvation, my first meeting at Kings anonymous was uplifting and soul destroying both at the same time, now I'm happy, I feel normal again and I want to help other kings"

Best November Ever™

November isn't notoriously a big month for me, in fact if you take away bonfire night [which isn't the night of the year when we get hilariously drunk and set alight to Bon for a laugh btw] there normally isn't anything noteworthy. How things change then, today I met Sarah, this girl...Who is totally excellent [yeah I don't have many descriptive words in my vocabulary] and later this month I have my second ever interview for a job, the first being for Safeway nearly six years ago. And last Friday I saw Starsailor at the UEA and they were totally epic, and special mention to Kubb who were supporting them, they have been compared to Jeff Buckley, Muse and Radiohead and their debut album Mother is out now okay so that's only three things for this month, but my sister is going to NY this month so that's semi-relevant.

Saturday, November 12, 2005

"Justin Shough continues his slide into mediocrity with an entirely unnecessary post, and then deletes it because he feels ashamed."

Monday, November 07, 2005

"Oh yes, there will be blood" a tagline for Saw II and also an appropriate tagline for how they cook your steak at the clocktower now :P


Click for a larger view

Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots, no words needed [apart from those]

Sunday, November 06, 2005


"I think my kneecaps are bleeding" I said as Kayleigh and James half mocked me half wondered whether one of my legs had gone cartwheeling down the stairs. I was running up the stairs of my house with my slippers on [how cool am I?] when they got sort of caught up and I crash landed onto the stairs with an almighty thud as my kneecaps possibly turned into jelly. Won't do that again in a while *Goes running up the stairs with slippers on to get cd to play on computer* oh well.
You've got to go beyond what you can see with me
like delving deeper into your dreams when you're asleep
an orange glow hovers around your hunched back as you try to find your keys
but something is preventing you from coming in
and maybe the clouds will break up
the moon will light up the night sky the stars come and go by
I wish the tide would come in or the ground would swallow me up but my plans never come off.