Sunday, November 13, 2005

Best November Ever™

November isn't notoriously a big month for me, in fact if you take away bonfire night [which isn't the night of the year when we get hilariously drunk and set alight to Bon for a laugh btw] there normally isn't anything noteworthy. How things change then, today I met Sarah, this girl...Who is totally excellent [yeah I don't have many descriptive words in my vocabulary] and later this month I have my second ever interview for a job, the first being for Safeway nearly six years ago. And last Friday I saw Starsailor at the UEA and they were totally epic, and special mention to Kubb who were supporting them, they have been compared to Jeff Buckley, Muse and Radiohead and their debut album Mother is out now okay so that's only three things for this month, but my sister is going to NY this month so that's semi-relevant.


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