Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Last Weeks News

So, it was a story in the papers last week but as I have been ill I never got around to posting it. Norwich Union Direct (insurance peeps) released their top ten most hilarious/insane claims. The greatest and mostest funny being "A frozen squirrel fell out of a tree, smashed threw my windscreen and landed on my passenger seat" **** I laughed, then proceeded to read the other nine less funny claims, I tried to find a link to the story but gave up after 3.7 seconds, maybe you can be bothered to...Or maybe you, like me just want to imagine what it would actually be like to have a frozen nut collector come at you when your driving and conveniently land in the seat next to you...


Blogger Ruomlig said...

Frozen Squirrels - right next to the turkeys in aisle 7 at Waitrose.

2/14/2006 09:28:00 PM  

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