Tuesday, February 14, 2006

A Musical To Do List For You, The Reader

  • Download anything by The Shins, anything/everything
  • Download either of these by The Decemberists: The Engine Driver, Sixteen Military Wives, July July!
  • Download a legendary track by Journey, Don't stop Believin' for example
  • That's it, and remember...do it legally kids!
  • and by kids I mean consenting adults obviously


Blogger Shough said...

My own to do list? Buy that Yellowcard album for starters, see why Avril Lavigne hasn't released another new album, see when the hell Pete Yorn's double cd is out, find out what ever happend to Travis and confirm whether the rumours that both Franz Ferdinand and Coldplay want to both release new albums soon is true, oh and see whether the hype machine over the monkeys was deserved...my guess, nope.

2/14/2006 03:32:00 PM  
Blogger Ruomlig said...

Thats far too much to do!

2/14/2006 09:27:00 PM  

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