Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Bon, The Bitch

Only kidding, but really...Do you need to comment on my blog whenever I make errors in spelling or grammar (because lets face it, it's all the time) I understand it probably annoys you but then correcting errors annoys the fuck out of me. So Bon is the new Ally, nothing is ever good enough. Can't my blog just be filled with stupid errors? I can handle it, can't you?


Blogger Bon said...

I was on some sort of grammatical rampage.

3/22/2006 10:31:00 PM  
Blogger Ruomlig said...

Correcting people's grammer is good, it makes you feel superior to said person.

PS. There should be a question mark after the brackets and a commer between you and but!

3/23/2006 11:01:00 AM  

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